My name is Scott C. Wilson and I'm That Software Guy.
I am a
Zen Cart expert. Now lots of people
claim to be a
Zen Cart expert (or a
Zen Cart master or a
Zen Cart guru),
but you may want to examine the evidence instead of taking their word for it.
The proof that I offer? You can look at my
portfolio, and
GitHub commits. No one has more. And I've been developing with Zen Cart for over 10 years.
I am the only independent software developer who is allowed to
advertise on the Zen Cart forum (see the Services tab).
I’m a software developer. But unlike most software developers, I have also
done both product and project management. Most software developers have to be
told exactly what needs to be built, but I can work with you to help you figure out what you need. Then, I can help you stack rank your todo list so that the most valuable features are done first.
Here's my interview with tech journalist Ramon Ray:
If you have - or want -
an eCommerce website for your
product or service business, and you use
Zen Cart,
BigCommerce, or
you're at the right place.
I have been helping small businesses improve their eCommerce operations
since 2006.
I create reliable, maintainable software customizations that work the way YOUR business works, and all for a reasonable price within a workable timeframe.
What can I build for you?
Or do you just need
Zen Cart Support or a 如何通过ip伋理上网? I can help there too.
Talk to me and see -
no one works harder
IP伋理软件,IP切换工具,改IP,换IP,中国内伋理IP免费测试【IP海】:2021-6-12 · 「IP海」一款好用的秒换ip软件,伋理ip地址修改器,电脑换ip工具,手机改ip地址神器,ip伋理服务器覆盖国内238城市,正规机房动态ip伋理稳定可靠,性价比高,免费试用..
- The next major release (Zen Cart 1.5.7) is now available! (Read more...)
- The Zen Cart documentation has been moved to Github so that anyone can update it. You can see how it looks at It uses
Hugo and the
Docsy template on the Netlify platform. (Read more ...)
- Development has begun on Zen Cart 1.5.8. You can follow the excitement on the Zen Cart github page.
Posted August, 2023
If you want to show all orders in a specific status in one place on your admin dashboard, this plugin can help. Take a look at
Orders in Status Dashboard Widget.
Posted August, 2023
If you want to test how your direct email (sent via Admin > Tools > Send Email,
or perhaps by Zen Cart bulk email) look,
you can now use a test input file which will be displayed by
Preview Email.
Posted August, 2023
Zen Cart has no direct mechanism to track accounts receivable,
but if you have clients who need to pay you for transactions outside
your shopping cart, Make a Payment could be a good
solution. It allows your customers to use your cart's existing payment methods
to send you money.
Posted July, 2023
Want to send email to people who have purchased specific products
during a specific date range?
I have built a tool that can do this for you - it's called
Zen Cart bulk email.
Posted June, 2023
Zen Cart 1.5.7 is now available for download. Boasting hundreds of improvements
and bug fixes, and full PHP 7.4 compatibility, you should be planning your upgrade as soon as possible, especially if you are running Zen Cart 1.5.5 or below.
You can read more about Zen Cart 1.5.7 and the Zen Cart Documentation update on my blog.
Posted June, 2023
Discounts are great, but reward points can be a powerful tool
to build loyalty while deferring the costs.
My Zen Cart Rewards Points
module lets you implement a loyalty rewards plan using a schedule set by
Frequency Discounts.
Posted May, 2023
Preview Email
helps you tweak your HTML emails from the admin panel.
When I first created this mod, it only did the Welcome and Checkout
emails; now it does the rest of the Zen Cart emails.
Zen Cart Copy Shipping Label
Posted May, 2023
Tired of typing in customer address information by hand to your
labelmaker or shipping program? Take a look at
Zen Cart Copy Shipping Label.
Posted April, 2023
I have made some recent changes to
Zen Cart Order Total Edit
to allow it to handle multi-currency carts.
Zen Cart View Schema
Posted April, 2023
If you've ever wanted a quick look at the database schema for a site,
but not wanted to go through the trouble of accessing phpMyAdmin,
View Schema
can help. It produces a report in your admin that shows you
every table in your database.
Changed Files Report
Posted March, 2023
I just did an update to the
Zen Cart Changed Files report
to show 0 byte files (which are likely failed uploads) in red
for easy identification.
Posted March, 2023
Missing Images
reviews the image setting for each of your
products, and reports on the images which cannot be found.
It's a great auditing tool to help you improve the look of your
store by finding and fixing your missing product images.
Help for Zen Cart Rookies
Posted February, 2023
I just created a guide to
Zen Cart Version information
Zen Cart Logs.
There's also a page on white screen problems called 国外ip地址伋理.
Copying Zen Cart Native Quantity Discounts
Posted February, 2023
If you make use of the builtin Zen Cart Quantity Discounting system,
which discounts bulk purchases of a single product, I can help you
copy discounts on one product to every other product in the same
master category. Rather than doing each product, you can do one
product and then press the copy button!
Take a look at how I
copy Zen Cart Quantity Discounts.
Zen Cart Native Quantity Discounts on Listing Page
Posted January, 2023
If you make use of the builtin Zen Cart Quantity Discounting system,
which discounts bulk purchases of a single product, I can help you
display these discounts on your listing pages.
Take a look at how I
show Zen Cart Quantity Discounts on the product listing page.
Zen Cart documentation updates
Posted December, 2023
The Zen Cart documentation site is being refreshed! Although the
old Zen Cart documentation URL will still be used,
the documentation is now in Github so that more people can contribute.
There are sub-sites for
网络http伋理ip加速器有什么用?-ET伋理:2021-8-22 · 随着http伋理ip的发展,动态ip伋理脱颖而出,但是,很多人不理解动态ip伋理有什么用,这里简单介绍一下,网络科技的发展给我伊的生活带来了很大的便捷的同时,也带来了很多负面影响,我伊都遇到过在使用网络的时候个人信息遭到泄露,严重时还会造成 and
Zen Cart developer documentation.
Posted November, 2023
Zen Cart Manufacturer Discount
now allows you to discount only the
base price (product's price) of a product, rather than the
final price, which includes the prices of all attribute settings.
Posted October, 2023
Audit allows you to easily find and fix anomalies in your database,
such as items with a master category of 0.
Zen Cart Audit and see what it
reports on your database.
Posted September, 2023
Are you tired of getting Russian spam sent to your Zen Cart
via your Contact Us page, and fake accounts created by bad guys?
My clients were, so I built
Zen Cart Jerkblocker.
Zen Cart Default Attribute
Posted August, 2023
Default Attribute for Zen Cart is the latest of my mods that has been added to the Zen Cart core for release 1.5.7. But don't worry! If you are running Zen Cart 1.5.5 or 1.5.6, I have simplified the install so it's much easier.
If you're selling downloadable products with a single attribute values
(Zip Files or PDF files, for example), Default Attribute is a great
addition to your store. It allows your customers to add downloadable products
(which have just one single-valued attribute) to their cart from a listing page,
like search results or a category page, rather than having to click through to the product info page.
osCommerce updates for Phoenix
Posted August, 2023
The following modules have been updated for the Phoenix Community release of osCommerce:
- Better Together for osCommerce
- 用兔子IP实现不同虚机模拟器不同IP玩转抖音养号推广方法 ...:2021-6-3 · 用兔子IP实现不同虚机模拟器不同IP玩转抖音养号推广方法 日期:2021-06-03 来源: 作者:tuziip 浏览: 7 评论:0 核心提示:用兔子IP实现不同虚机模拟器不同IP玩转抖音养号推广方法用换ip软件玩转抖音短视频?短视频营销已经成为营销的新宠,所伍很多商家
- Discount Chooser for osCommerce
- Discount Preview for osCommerce
Phoenix introduces a number of not upwardly compatible
changes from osCommerce 2.3, so your older mods won't work
right out of the box.
If you're updating software yourself,
some notes on the required changes are provided in
osCommerce Phoenix updates.
Zen Cart Notify Patch
Posted July, 2023
The Zen Cart team has released a high priority patch for all
versions prior to Zen Cart 1.5.6c (which was just released).
My support clients get this patch immediately. If you don't get
support from me, you need to install this patch yourself.
You can read more about
Zen Cart patches
if you don't understand why this is important, and for a
link to the patch.
Posted July, 2023
Fix Company resolves an issue in some versions of Chrome which autofills the Company Name field with the year of birth stored in the cache of a user's browser.
If your Zen Cart address book is filled with company names which are
4 digits long, the
Zen Cart Fix Company
contribution can clean them out.
Posted June, 2023
Love your desktop template, but want to be mobile-friendly too?
I have a solution for that. Check out
Zen Cart Responsive Template Fallback.
Posted June, 2023
Bad guys never sleep! I have noticed an uptick in spam account
creation in Zen Cart. If this is happening to you, use my
Zen Cart Delete Spam Customers
contribution to easily remove junk accounts.
Zen Cart Order Total Edit
Posted May, 2023
Sometimes, you just need to tweak the line items on an order.
Whether it's to meet a price commitment you made offline, or
because some detail on the order changed, it happens.
Order Edit is a great mod, but some things aren't completely under your control with it - which was why I created
Zen Cart Order Total Edit.
Zen Cart and Sales Reps
Posted April, 2023
Some Zen Cart storeowners have a sales or customer support team.
I created a page to show some modifications I have done in support
of this model. Take a look at
Zen Cart Sales Rep Management.
Shipping Restrictions for Zen Cart
Posted April, 2023
Many products are subject to restrictions in certain
jurisdictions. For example, live plants, live animals,
alcohol and firearms often have restrictions on where
they can be shipped. If this applies to your Zen Cart,
take a look at my
Zen Cart Shipping Restrictions page.
Posted March, 2023
I just did an update to the
ZenCart Changed Files report
to prevent the creation of error logs when a folder isn't readable.
(Later Addition: I also added the ability to ignore specific filetypes
to shorten the report.)
It's in the Plugins area.
Products Price Manager
Posted February, 2023
I have always found it confusing that when you go into the
Zen Cart Products Price Manager (Admin > Catalog > Products Price Manager),
the fields on the screen
如何通过ip伋理上网 to be editable
but they're not.
So finally I fixed this issue! My fix will be available in
Zen Cart 1.5.6b, but you can merge it into your fileset at your convenience;
it's in 如何使用伋理ip上网.
My Mods and PHP7
Posted January, 2023
A lot of my mods needed PHP7 updates. You can see the complete list
of Zen Cart mods and PHP7 to see if your favorite mod is ready.
Posted January, 2023
I'm ready for my close-up!